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Introducing Belle Hahn: Artist, Philanthropist, Muse.


Introducing Belle Hahn: Artist, Philanthropist, Muse.

This stunning exhibition features original artworks by and of the artist, with Stewart Shining, Michael Haber, Pedro De La Cruz, Emmanuelle Pickett, Lucia Kiel, Kim Reierson, Willa Kveta, and Lillian Hahn Shining.

Serving Artiste Wines and small bites, from 5-8pm on Thursday, August 1st.

Belle Hahn grew up heavily influenced by art, nature, and fashion. The art history on her family walls and the fashion landscape of Paris and beyond gave host to a means of endless self-expression, and the natural world - from Central Park and Lotusland, to her family's southern roots in Georgia and North Carolina - has been a long-standing source of education, salvation, and healing for Hahn. Through these elements, Belle Hahn has beautifully awakened into a warrior guide, a philanthropic muse, and a creator of art and community.

Photo Credit: Emmanuelle Pickett

Contributing artists

TWIN HEARTS illustrates the power of the muse, extending Belle Hahn's artistic legacy through original artwork by renowned artitsts such as Stewart Shining, Michael Haber, Pedro De La Cruz, Emmanuelle Pickett, Lucia Kiel, Kim Reierson, Willa Kveta, and Lillian Hahn Shining.

Photo Credit: Kim Reierson


Twin Hearts is a nonprofit entity co-founded by Belle Hahn and Lillian Hahn Shining, bringing together the elements of Soil and Soul that can be found in Hahn’s artwork. Focusing on regenerative agriculture to tend the soil, and the passion they share for the arts that feed the soul, Twin Hearts aims to merge with like-hearted missions to facilitate access to food and art for all, to feed the soil and the soul to regenerate the planet. Proceeds from this exhibition will support the mission of the Twin Hearts Foundation.